ensures that our technique
is flawless.

Sensei Funakoshi is the father of Modern Karate. As a retired schoolteacher he has foundered the Shotokan Karate style and the Japan Karate Association (JKA) by putting much emphasis on the pedagogy. He was born on Nov 10, 1868 in Okinawa and was of Samurai lineage.
Gichin Funakoshi and Nakayama Sensei established officially the JKA organization in 1948 with the main objective to train true Karate Masters who will in turn teach Karate as a “Way of Life”. The JKA is the original, oldest and largest Shotokan Karate organization in the world
The JKA is the only legal entity officially approved by the Japanese Government as an association of members of public interest for the promotion of Karate.
Today, the JKA World Federation (JKA/WF) is the largest and most prestigious Shotokan Karate organization in the world (present in more than 122 countries) and is presently headed by Shuseki Shihan Masaaki Ueki Sensei 9th Dan.
The JKA Mauritius is registered (no 15316) under the provision of the Association Act) and is officially a branch of JKA/WF (Ref: MUS-1). We encompass more than 20 Training Centers and 35 instructors covering all regions of Mauritius whilst following strictly the syllabus, program, rules and regulations of JKA in Tokyo.
The Chief Instructor of JKA Mauritius is Shihan Koichiro Okuma 7th Dan who is also the Vice President of the Foreign Affairs Division of JKA/WF. Shihan Okuma is a very well known and recognized International Instructor.
As such, the Shotokan Karate legacy and lineage of JKA Mauritius is very pure and take its source at the origin since Sensei Funakoshi was the instructor of Nakayama who in turn was the instructor of both Naka Sensei and Okuma Sensei.
The Chairman of JKA Mauritius is Dr. Didier Samfat 4th Dan and is responsible for coordinating all JKA Shotokan karate activities for Mauritius thanks to the help of all benevolent members.
The Young Generation of the JKA Mauritius Family
The experts in Japan have scientifically analyzed and isolated each individual movement, position and kinetic to develop an unrivalled spectrum of basic techniques.
In so doing, the JKA/WF in Tokyo has defined the perfect Syllabus and Program for both color and black belts of all ages to allow the body and the mind to act effortlessly and naturally thanks to constant and regular repetition of training.
As such all Instructors of JKA Mauritius, in every training session, follow the JKA Syllabus whilst having constantly the Dojo Kun in mind.
To build concentration, focus, clear thinking and decisiveness.
To improve patience, discipline, perseverance, confidence, self-control, calmness and peace mind.
To strengthen the body, heart, muscle and bones to increase resistance to sickness and injury.
These techniques applied to self-defense are extremely effective and powerful.
Instructor: Kovilen Munusami
Senshi Karate Association, Des Jardins Street, Mon Loisir
+230 5 734-4365 / kovi1204@hotmail.co.uk
Instructor: Aveesha Prayag
Ryu Karate Club
+230 5 724-6777 / luxm2302@gmail.com
Instructor: Sanjay Ramlutchmun
Sun Dragon, Bois Rouge, Pamplemousses
+230 5 789-2537 / sanjayrlm007@yahoo.com
Instructor: Dr Didier Samfat
Moka Rangers/Synergie, Allées d’Helvétia
+230 5 253-8989 /
Instructor: Dr Didier Samfat
iMotion Gym, NextTeracom, Ebene
+230 5 253-8989 /
Instructor: Jo Venkamah
Shobukan, Rivière baptiste, St Pierre
+230 5 793-6288 /
Instructor: John Domah
JKA Sebastopol, Bombay Road, Sebastopol
+230 5 750-9485 /
Instructor: Rashid Aumurally
Shotokan Karate Club Curepipe / Commerford Street
+230 5 723-9565 /
Instructor: Sanjay Rughoo
Floréal Shotokan Karate club
+230 5 708-1785 /
Instructor: Irshaad Bucktowar
Yamabushi Karate Club, Thomy D'Arifat Street, Curepipe
+230 5 579-82086 /
Instructor: Abide Mandary
Kobukan Dojo, Body Shaper Gym, Boundary Rd
+230 5 762-3014 /
Instructor: Yan Samy
Shotokan Tigers, SSS Regis Chaperon, Rose Hill
+230 5 761-0084 /
Instructor: Charles Burzoo
Curepipe Shotokan, Juerningan St, Curepipe
+230 5 937-1638 /
Instructor: Videsh Kungso
Ryû Kyû Kempo and Karate Do Club Trois Boutiques
+230 5 769-5912 /
Instructor: Mahadeo Woozir
Ryû Kyû Kempo and Karate Do Club L'Escalier
+230 5 769-5912 /
Instructor: Kiran Foolchand
Red Tiger Karate Club, Camp Carol, Plaine Magnien
+230 5 767-8350 /
Instructor: Nicolas Boudeuse
Warrior Karate Club, Arya samaj Bldg, l’Escalier
+230 5 751-9364 /
Instructor: Jean-Francois Boodhoo
La Flora Black Tiger, La Flora
+230 5 880-1991 /
JKA Black Tiger, Bois Chéri
+230 5 880-1991 /
Instructor: Ravilesh Mohall
Grand Bois Shotokan Karate Club
+230 5 258-2953 /
Instructor: Rashid Aumurally
Keats College - Girls' section / Chemin Grenier
+230 5 723-9565 /
Instructor: Rashid Aumurally
Arya Samaj Hall / Souillac
+230 5 723-9565 /
Instructor: Sarah-Jane Larue Antoine
JKA Pointe aux Sables
+230 5 712-1560 /
Instructor: Jaydin Saunders
JKA Flic en Flac
+230 59 31 76 29 /
Shihan Koichiro Okuma 7th Dan, is the JKA HQ instructor who is in charge of examining candidates for obtaining Dan, Instructor, Judges and Examiner diplomas.
The high-level examinations are performed following a rigorous process that including a theoretical evaluation and also Kihon, Kata and Kumite practical sessions.
Shihan Koichiro Okuma - Chief Instructor | 7th Dan | Instructor A, Examiner A, Judge A |
Denis Danio | 5th Dan | Instructor C, Examiner C, Judge D |
Dr Didier Samfat | 4th Dan | Instructor C, Examiner D, Judge D |
Abide Mandary | 4th Dan | |
Kovilen Munusamy | 3rd Dan | |
Teiva Samfat | 3rd Dan | |
Daisy Hoareau | 3rd Dan | |
Barlen Marday | 3rd Dan | |
Yan Samy | 2nd Dan | |
Florent Morel | 2nd Dan | Instructor D |
Owen Sam | 2nd Dan | |
Irshaad Bucktowar | 2nd Dan | |
Sarah-Jane Larue Antoine | 2nd Dan | |
Fadil Goolamhossen | 2nd Dan | |
Sebastien Chung Tick Kan | 2nd Dan | |
Sunil Depaul | 2nd Dan | |
Nallan Sankara | 1st Dan | |
David Seevraz | 1st Dan | |
Jean-Francois Boodhoo | 1st Dan | |
Jordan Marday | 1st Dan | |
Leisha Marday | 1st Dan | |
Pinakraj Dhunput | 1st Dan | |
Luqmaan Joomun | 1st Dan | |
Zahraa GoolamHossen | 1st Dan | |
Javed Oozeer | 1st Dan | |
Eddy Chung Tick Kan | 1st Dan | |
Dilipkumar Gokool | 1st Dan | |
Meili Jade Leung Chew | 1st Dan | |
Aurelia Chung Tick Kan | 1st Dan | |
Jaydin Riley Saunders | 1st Dan | |
Arnav Beeharee | 1st Dan | |
Willan Moodeley | 1st Dan |
We have the full support of JKA Head Quarters in Tokyo, to organize regular international Karate training at Côte d’Or Multisport Complex twice yearly.
Our Chief Instructor, Shihan Koichiro Okuma 7th Dan, provides very high standards training to kids and adults of all gender and all ages, thus promoting Karate for ALL which is one of the basic principles of the Japan Karate Association.
During these international seminars, JKA Family members from Reunion, Madagascar, South Africa, Malaysia, Australia, England, France, India, China, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Belgium come to Mauritius to train with us with a big Friendship spirit !
On-going synergies with other JKA Countries really add values to the self-development of all karate practitioners: we share knowledge and knowhow !
The JKA World Cup
Every 3 years, JKA HQ in Tokyo lead this very successful competition which gathers more than 2,500 participants from Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and America.
As an active member of the JKA World Federation, JKA Mauritius Karate Team participate to all world cup tournaments.
The JKA Africa Cup
South Africa JKA organizes every 3 years in Johannesburg the JKA Africa Cup. This continental competition gathers teams from all African and Indian Ocean countries
During the last Africa Cup in 2018, Our Team won 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze medals.
The International JKA Ambassador’s Cup
With the support of the Embassy of Japan in Mauritius, we organize every year, The International JKA Ambassador’s Cup, gathering countries from the Indian Ocean.
The JKA Mauritius Cup
Every year, all JKA dojos of Mauritius are reunited for the The JKA Mauritius Cup. Kids as from 5 years old up to Veteran (40+) can participate to both Kata and Kumite.
The Karate Federation of Mauritius
We also participate to competitions of the Karate Federation who is the official representative of the Word Karate Federation (WKF) locally. Several of our Elite Karateka are also Champions of Mauritius in both Kata and Kumite.
Aurelia Chung Champion of Mauritius Kata, Sebastien Chung Vice Champion Kata and Sasha Antoine Bronze Medal Kata in 2022
Teiva Samfat Champion Kumite in 2019
Fadil Goolamhossen – Bronze medal Kata 2018
Dashini Parianen Champion Kata and Paula Wong Bronze Medal Kata 2017
Teiva Samfat Champion Kata 2017
Today, Asia is considered as the hub of the world for Traditional Martial Arts in contrast to the West who has preferred a martial sport approach.
In Japan and China, Traditional Martial Arts have fully integrated the culture and tradition during the past centuries with regular exchanges between neighboring countries.
In a pure spirit of budo passion sharing, every year JKA Mauritius organizes this festival by inviting 25 martial art organizations who have a direct lineage with their respective country of origin Head Quarters to demonstrate their knowledge and know-how to Mauritians.
In so doing, Martial Art Federations and Associations representing Okinawa Kobudo, Shorin Ryu Karate, Wushu, Health Qi Gong, Aikido, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Kenjutsu, Wing Chung, Ninjutsu, Kendo, Aikijutsu, Kung Fu and JKA Karate present their high-level martial art demonstrations to the public in Mauritius.
The main objective is to demonstrate that Traditional Martial Art can really help everyone in his/her everyday life.
The festival is a real success in Mauritius since more than 350 practitioners of all ages and all levels can demonstrate what they have learned with their respective instructors
Credit Photo Moka Rangers Sport Club
The Japan Karate Association of Mauritius is the very first and only Karate organization to have remitted officially a Meiyo Shodan to the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Mr. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth.
The Ambassador of Japan, Mr Shuichiro Kawaguchi highlighted that this Honorary Karate Black Belt is a symbol of our appreciation for the Prime Minister’s commitment to promote sports, including Karate in Mauritius.
We would like also to heartfully thank the media for covering all our activities helping us to promote our non-profit association.
We would like also to thanks all our sponsors for their valuable support in making all JKA activities a real success!
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Last but not least many thanks to all individuals (they will recognize themselves) who helped us personally !
We provide FREE Karate initiation training at our Honbu Dojo (Head Quarters) in Moka on Saturdays from 8:30 to 9:30 am
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Honbu Dojo Youth Centre Helvétia
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